AWW Infographic welcomes all to Alabama

By: Eric Reutebuch

Last summer, through the creative work of Information Technology Specialist, Jennie Powers (College of Business/College of Agriculture), Alabama Water Watch (AWW) developed an infographic poster depicting Alabama’s world-class aquatic biodiversity. Did you know that Alabama ranks number one among all 50 states in the number of freshwater fish species (332 species, over a quarter of all of the freshwater fish species found in the United States), and number one in the number of crayfish, mussels, freshwater snails and freshwater turtles! We have species that rival the tropical fishes in their rainbow of colors and beauty.

If you did not know these impressive facts about Alabama’s natural heritage, you need our infographic, available digitally at:

AWW believes that every child, and every adult, should not only know these wonderful facts, but should be proud of our state’s bountiful biodiversity. Better yet, folks should get involved in preserving and promoting this premiere biological treasure that we’ve been blessed with. That’s why we’ve included an invitation on the infographic to contact AWW and join our watershed stewardship team.

To this end, AWW joined forces with the good folks at the Alabama Department of Transportation’s Maintenance Bureau to spread the word. Spearheaded by Mr. Jim Bearrentine, ALDOT Assistant State Maintenance Engineer, the AWW infographic has been distributed to AL DOT welcome centers and rest areas throughout the state. Through this effort, we hope to reach thousands of Alabamians and visitors, and educate them on America’s Amazon – Alabama the Beautiful!

AU Water Resources Director, Dr. Srivastava, encountering our infographic at the AL DOT rest stop on I-65 at Clanton.

3 Replies to “AWW Infographic welcomes all to Alabama”

  1. That’s a fabulous idea! Way to go, Jim!!!! Most people have no idea that Alabama is so richly blessed – and now they can “read all about it” as they travel through the state.

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