Upcoming Training of Trainers and Trainer Refresher Workshops

Interested in becoming an AWW Volunteer Citizen Trainer?

AWW Citizen Trainers conduct about 75-80% of the workshops and recertification sessions held for hundreds of Alabamians annually. The AWW Program depends upon Trainers to meet the demand for workshops, and experienced monitors are encouraged to consider becoming Trainers.

Types of AWW Trainers:

  • Water Chemistry Trainer
  • Bacteriological Trainer

Prerequisites for becoming an AWW trainer:

  1. Be AWW certified in the desired type of water monitoring
  2. Actively monitor and submit data for at least one year
  3. Receive recommendation from an AWW Veteran Trainer or the AWW Office Staff
  4. Attend a Training of Trainers Workshop
  5. Conduct a Trainer Internship I and II (contact AWW Office for details)

Maintaining Trainer Status:

  • Coordinate workshops and maintain regular contact with the AWW Office
  • Conduct at least two workshops per year (includes re-certifications)
  • Attend a Trainer Refresher Course at least every two years
  • Coordinate ALL workshops (including re-certifications) with the AWW Office
  • Send Workshop Registration forms to AWW promptly

*Exceptions to these requirements are at the discretion of the AWW Program Office

Upcoming Training of Trainer (TOT) and Trainer Refresher Workshops

North AL Trainer Refresher + TOT 

February 17, 2018
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Guntersville AL

South AL Trainer Refresher + TOT

January 12, 2018
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Fairehope AL






Contact the AWW Office for more information or to express your interest in getting certified as a Trainer.

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