It’s Time to Recertify!


What are those dots on the left of “Data Type” on my AWW Welcome Page?

The red, yellow, and green dots relate to your status as an active monitor with AWW and serve as reminders to recertify.

A green dot means your “active” status is good for three or more months. A yellow dot means your recertification date is approaching, and you need to consider contacting the AWW Office or a Volunteer Trainer about recertification options soon. A red dot means your certification in that type of monitoring is past due and you need to get recertified as soon as possible.

Starting in January 2019, when your certification expires, you will temporarily not be able to use online data entry to submit that type of data until you get recertified. Your online data entry access will be restored after re-certification.

PLEASE CONTINUE TO COLLECT DATA even if you are “locked out” of your online data entry access! You can submit your data to AWW via mail or email, or you can wait until your access is restored to enter your data online.

This change is to encourage monitors to re-certify in a timely manner after their certification has expired.

If you are due for a recertification, you can access the Bacteria Recertification Form directly through the “Download Recertification Form(s)” button on your AWW Welcome Page or find it in “Resources” > “Forms” on the AWW website (you can also click this link). You can contact a Volunteer Trainer or the AWW Office for Water Chemistry and Bacteriological Recertification options. 

Maintaining data credibility in compliance with our quality control and assurance plans is essential to the Alabama Water Watch Program. These plans outline the procedures and requirements for training, certifying, and recertifying volunteer monitors, maintaining accurate sampling equipment, and managing data to ensure quality data. Our volunteers are vital in helping us maintain data credibility by staying up-to-date on their certifications!

All certified AWW monitors are required to participate in a monitoring recertification session about a year after their initial certification and then every two years following the initial recertification, as long as they monitor at least six months on a given twelve-month period.

AWW’s Quality Assurance Plans are available for viewing on our website at

Please contact the AWW Office if you have any questions or need to recertify.

Thank you for your dedication to watching Alabama’s waters!

Happy Monitoring!

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