AWW Tiger Giving Project, Protect Alabama Waterways, Mini-grant Program is now called the AWW Monitor Assistance Program!
Application: https://auburn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_daIXmygs0Vctd4O
If you are a certified AWW monitor and need some help to get started monitoring at an abandoned or new site, in the form of a water chemistry test kit, water chemistry reagents to refill an existing kit, bacteria supplies, or stream biomonitorign materials this mini-grant program is for you!
Please note: Funding is limited and demands are high for monitoring supplies among our volunteers. Please, only request materials if you are serious about your plans to monitor.
Project Overview:
The Tiger Giving Mini-Grant Program (TGP) began in 2017 when AWW was selected as the Auburn University College of Agriculture’s featured Tiger Giving Day Project. Donors contributed in order to provide monitoring equipment to AWW Volunteers: https://rise.auburn.edu/project/4766. The day was highly successful, with 164 generous individuals contributing $10,325, surpassing the project’s goal of $10,000!
Thankfully, due to organziations like the Turner Foundation, Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, and externally funded grant projects, AWW has been able to continue the Monitor Assistance Program (MAP).
The goal of MAP is to provide certified volunteers with materials to begin monitoring local waterbodies. The program is helping AWW to:
1. Recruit new AWW volunteer monitors
2. Increase the geographical reach of the AWW Program
3. Generate new data that can be used to protect and restore waterbodies in AL
4. Publicize the ways AWW monitorings make a difference in their watersheds
How does this help local water watcher monitors and groups?:
Approved applicants can receive up to one year’s supply of monitoring supplies for water chemistry monitoring and/or bacteriological monitoring. MAP recipients are encouraged to use their monitoring results to persuade local organizations such as water/environmental related nonprofits, municipalities, civic organizations, etc. to support their continued monitoring.
How do I request supplies through MAP?:
AWW will accept applications for MAP funds year-round and evaluate on a rolling basis. You must meet the criteria below to apply.
- Be a certified AWW monitor with up-to-date AWW certification(s)
- Be a current member of the Alabama Water Watch Association. To join go to: https://aaes.auburn.edu/alabamawaterwatch/support-alabama-water-watch/
To receive supplies, selected applicants must agree to the following:
- To start monitoring an inactive site or establish a new site within 30 days of receiving your monitoring supplies
- To commit to monitoring a minimum of two sites for at least nine months of each calendar year
- To share your supplies with other certified monitors in your area if the need arises
To increase the chances that your application is approved, consider:
- Including co-applicants (several monitors applying for a shared kit or set of supplies). Co- applicants must also be certified in monitoring methods
- Selecting monitoring sites in areas of the state that are not currently monitored
- Monitoring three or more sites
Once we receive an application, the AWW staff will evaluate it on a rolling basis to verify it meets the above criteria, and then notify you if your application has been approved or not.
Upon approval of an application, the AWW Office will order the water monitoring materials and ship them to your address. In the case of a local training, AWW office staff will coordinate with the local individual/group in setting up and conducting the desired workshop.
Contact AWW with any questions!
awwprog@auburn.edu or 1-888-844-4785
Thanks for sending this info! We have just heard from several people who are interested in becoming volunteers or renewing their status.
Very good idea and a nice way to implement it.
This a terrific idea!