2014 AWW Annual Get-Together – let’s Break Out!

On Saturday, June 28th volunteer monitors, members of the Alabama Water Watch Association and other AWW supporters gathered in Auburn, AL  at the AWW Program Office in the CASIC building (Center for Advanced Science, Innovation, and Commerce)  for the AWW Annual Get-Together. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to this event. It was a great day with wonderful people, great information, and good food. For all who were unable to attend, you were missed.  The following AWWareness articles will provide you with a summary of what was shared during the meeting.

Dr. Sam Fowler, Director of the AU Water Resources Center, welcomes all to the AWW Annual Meeting
Dr. Sam Fowler, Director of the AU Water Resources Center, welcomes all to the AWW Annual Meeting

Breakout Sessions
The day began with three concurrent breakout sessions which offered volunteers opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills as water monitors.

Thirteen monitors took advantage of the opportunity to be recertified by AWW Staff and Volunteer Trainers in the Davis Arboretum. Participants demonstrated their chemistry monitoring techniques, took a bacteriological monitoring test, and shared tips related to collecting good data. Staff trainers Sergio Ruiz-Córdova and Rita Grub facilitated the session with the assistance of volunteer trainer Michael Freeman.

Ten volunteers participated in a very informative session about the Waterkeeper Swim Guide, an online tool and phone app that accesses water quality data from over 6,000 swim beaches in the US and Canada (and now starting in Mexico), and informs the public whether or not an area is safe for swimming (based on bacterial contamination). Most importantly, the participants learned how to add their AWW Bacteriological Data to the Swim Guide. AWW is an official affiliate of Swim Guide and will continue to provide opportunities for monitors to learn how to take advantage of this exciting tool throughout the coming year. For more info on AWW & Swim Guide go to http://wp.auburn.edu/aww/aww-data-makes-swimming-at-your-favorite-water-hole-safer/ .

There were 16 participants in the Water Quality 101 session which provided an informal and fun curriculum for educators and volunteers who want to share their love for water and water monitoring with youth. This was a great forum for discussion among volunteer monitors and educators about the direction AWW is moving with youth programming, including the partnership with Alabama 4-H. Let AWW know if you are interested in getting involved in youth water education.

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