Lake Watch of Lake Martin teams up with AWW to enhance student learning

What began as a one-time environmental program for a local school has blossomed into a multi-year project. In early 2010, Laurie Barrett, who teaches gifted 5th & 6th grade students at Radney School in Alexander City, asked Dick and Mary Ann Bronson if volunteers from Lake Watch of Lake Martin could visit her classroom and provide a program about water quality.  During the initial visit, it was quickly determined that there was ample opportunity for an expanded environmental education program, and the wheels began turning.

To start with, Lake Watch wanted to focus on water quality and future issues facing Lake Martin. But they also wanted to broaden the program’s scope to “The World Around Us” by using a variety of presentations by folks from Auburn University, particularly Alabama Water Watch.

The project began September 2010 and will continue through May 2011.  Lake Watch volunteers, and now staff members from Alabama Water Watch (AWW), visit the school two days every month.  Thursdays are for morning and afternoon groups of 5th-graders, and Fridays are for two similar 6th-grade groups.  The high point of each session is a hike along a stream behind the school that goes to the Alexander City SportPlex and ultimately flows into Lake Martin.  The students named the stream “Barrett Creek” after their teacher.

The first program began with a general discussion of watersheds and the three AWW water testing procedures,  Water Chemistry (LaMotte test kit), Bacteriological Monitoring (Coliscan Easygel method), and Stream Biomonitoring (or Living Streams; go to www.alabamawaterwatch for more information on test procedures and training opportunities). 

Students collected water samples from Barrett Creek for chemical and bacterial testing.  They obtained a water sample upstream where debris was frequently found and downstream near the waterwheel at the Alexander City Sportplex They also searched for macroinvertebrates and, based on their findings, determined that the stream is impaired. Upstream high levels of manganese were found (from tests done at the Auburn University Soils Lab) but downstream the levels were in the normal range.  Students learned that nature can take care of itself by naturally filtering the water and assimilating pollutants. 

During the fall season the students expanded their knowledge of AWW techniques.  They learned about bacteria by testing water samples taken from school commodes and restroom surfaces.  A homemade incubator was placed in the classroom for their use.  Students placed water drawn from a dropper into a special Petri dish.  Twenty four hours later, they could see a series of blue dots (colonies) indicating the presence of bacteria.  Red dots indicated that E. coli were present.  And needless to say, they found E. coli bacteria…especially from commodes that had not been properly flushed.  Students also learned how to calculate the number of bacteria colonies that were present in the water samples. 

They learned about pH and other chemical parameters from Lake Watch board member Tom Lynch, a retired chemist who used spiked water samples to enhance the learning process.  .  Students were given color-coded charts going from pH equal to zero (battery acid, represented as red) to pH equal to14 (lye, represented as blue).   Students discovered that bleach, ammonia, and lemon juice had been added to water based on results of their pH tests of various spiked samples. 

The January 2011 session had Sergio Ruiz and Mona Scruggs teaching more about watersheds using the EnviroScape terrain model and colored water samples to show how erosion and polluted stormwater runoff affect waterbodies.  Students learned that our Tallapoosa Watershed begins in Georgia and eventually empties into the Gulf of Mexico.  They also learned that watersheds come in lots of different sizes by comparing them to a series of different mixing bowls inside one another.  This was a great visual that helped students understand how one watershed drains into a larger one, as streams and rivers make their way to the sea. 

Click here for more pictures of the Enviroscape program

In February Bill Deutsch and Sergio took the students on a trip around the world using hats they had collected during their travels for Global Water Watch.  Student “models” wore selected hats while others tried to guess which countries were represented.  Students were able to see first-hand how people deal with water issues.  In areas of extreme drought, villagers harvest the water from their roofs into tanks safely, as long as they keep their roofs clean. 

Click here for more pictures of the ‘World Hats’ program

Students then made a direct connection to the pond built this year at the school as a water harvesting system that is fed from a 300-gallon-tank rooftop catchment system.  They could understand, on a small scale, what it is like to not have enough water from the tank to fully maintain their pond during drought conditions.  They found it hard to believe that some people’s livelihoods depended on how much water they can collect.  Then a discussion took place about water quality and quantity problems in each of these countries.  The kids not only got a valuable perspective on water around the world but a wonderful geography lesson as well.

March will bring refresher sessions by Lake Watch volunteers on the three AWW testing protocols, to be followed in April by AWW Lab Chief Wendy Seesock talking about algae using a projection microscope. The program will culminate in May when the students get the full Living Streams experience at Elkahatchee Creek, a stream known for high water quality.  Students will discover what types of macroinvertebrates are found in a stream with high water quality, compared to Barrett Creek, where virtually none were found.

So what began as a modest class request has turned into a full-blown environmental education project that couples a local AWW group and Auburn University staffers with a local school.  It is estimated that by the May program, Lake Watch volunteers and AWW staff will have provided about 140 contact hours to the Radney School project.  Fifty gifted students’ lives have been changed forever because of their dedication and generosity. 

Which invites the question – how does one gauge the impact of such a program on young minds? Let’s ask the kids for their thoughts on the program thus far:

Program #1: Sergio the Fantastic and Mona the Magnificent

Water Watch has taught us a lot of things like water all over the world and watersheds in Alabama.  Mr. Sergio and Ms. Mona came and told us about the 11 main watersheds in Alabama. They also brought an Enviroscape and talked about direct and indirect pollution from buildings, cars, tractors and houses.  When it rains, it carries all of the pollution into the lakes.  The AWW team has taught everyone here a lot about the water and how we can take care of it.  We love for them to come and I can’t wait until the next time they come!

Michael McGill, 6th grade student

Program #2: Learning About the World with Hats

Our time with the AWW has been great!  My favorite time was when Mr. Sergio & Dr. Deutsch came and presented a power point about where they had gone and done water testing.  Some of the places were:  the Philippines, Peru, Brazil and Alabama.  Dr. Deutsch and Mr. Sergio brought hats from around the world.  I got to wear a hat from Ecuador.  You can always remember Ecuador is by the equator because they sound alike.  It was very fun! 

Savannah Bush, 6th grade student


This anecdote may also help provide an answer. One of the students, a girl in 5th grade, had an exciting announcement for Mary Ann. She said that she hoped to get a LaMotte water test kit for Christmas!

As for the future, Lake Watch has committed to another school year of environmental education for the Radney 5th & 6th grade gifted students for 2011-12.  A modest grant will again be provided by Lake Watch to cover travel expenses for AWW staff members. And who knows where this might go – possible creation of a new AWW endeavor such as ‘Junior Water Watchers’?  Stay tuned.

Ozark-area water watchers partner to track watershed bacteria contamination

The City of Ozark and the Choctawhatchee, Pea and Yellow Rivers Clean Water Partnership joined forces in supporting the Choctawhatchee Riverkeeper. Inc. in bacteriological sampling efforts in the Hurricane Creek Watershed. The creek runs from Ozark, Alabama to its mouth at John Hutto Park in Newton, Alabama.


Bacteriological sampling was conducted in September 2010 at 9 sites in the watershed according to the Alabama Water Watch (AWW) bacteriological monitoring protocol. AWW trained and certified volunteer monitors, Lee Bradburn and Amanda Saad, assisted Choctawhatchee Riverkeeper. Inc. in the sampling effort. Lisa Harris, the CPYRCWP facilitator also assisted with the sampling.


Sampling results indicated that the main source of fecal bacteria contamination was somewhere upstream of Harry Walker Road and downstream of sampling points further upstream. Choctawhatchee Riverkeeper, ADEM and the City of Ozark will continue to work to attempt to identify the source or sources of contamination.

Volunteer monitors and Choctawhatchee Riverkeeper, Inc. spearhead upgrade to the Choctawhatchee River

by: eric reutebuch

ADEM recently reclassified all of the East Fork of the Choctawhatchee River, all but about 1 mile of the West Fork of the Choctawhatchee River, and all but an approximately 3 mile stretch of the Choctawhatchee River to Fish and Wildlife and Swimming and Other Whole Body Water-Contact Sports. These waters previously were all classified as Fish and Wildlife only. The upgrade on the West Fork of the Choctawhatchee River extended a reach reclassified for Swimming about one-half (1/2) mile further upstream than originally proposed, to include a heavy use recreational area.

Falls on the West Fork of the Choctawhatchee

Click here for map of upgraded river sections

The upgrade in classification tightens water quality standards for these river sections relative to E. coli bacteria contamination from a maximum allowable single sample level of 2,507 colonies per 100 milliliters (mL) and a geometric mean of 548 colonies per 100 mL of water, to a maximum of 235 bacteria per 100 mL of water for a single sample and a geometric mean of 126 colonies per mL water (levels are calculated as a geometric mean of at least five samples taken over a 30-day period). In simpler terms, the use upgrades in the Choctawhatchee River Watershed now recognize the swimming use all year instead of just during the summer months, which were adressed under the Fish and Wildlife use classification’s seasonal swimming use (June through September) protections.

Choctawhatchee Riverkeeper, Inc. utilized documentation of recreational use and all available water quality data including AWW E. coli data dating back to 1996 in its request to upgrade parts of the East and West Forks of the Choctawhatchee River with the Swimming classification. The water quality data consisted of bacteria monitoring results (E. coli data) from 1996 through the present (261 tests have been done at 100 different sites by the Coastal Plain Streams Water Watch). Citizen volunteer monitors, who have been trained and certified by Alabama Water Watch (AWW), test for E. coli using the AWW Bacteriological Monitoring Protocol.

Choctawhatchee Riverkeeper will collect additional samples and document recreational use at other sites where it knows that there is significant recreational use, including sites on the Little Choctawhatchee River, Whitewater Creek and Big Creek in order to work for reclassification of portions of those waterbodies to include swimming during the upcoming swimming season. Efforts are underway to seek funding for testing supplies for this effort. ADEM has already indicated that it will consider upgrading the lower portion of the Little Choctawhatchee River when a review of available data is completed.

Choctawhatchee Riverkeeper, Inc. wishes to express its thanks to Mr. Lynn Sisk, Chief of the Water Quality Division of ADEM, and ADEM for its willingness to modify the proposed listing to provide increased protection for the heavy use area at the falls on the West Fork of the Choctawhatchee River upstream of Highway 27.

Lake Watch of Lake Martin impacts statewide water policy

By: Eric Reutebuch

Lake Watch of Lake Martin (LWLM) members have been vigilantly watching over the waters of Lake Martin for nearly two decades. Under the leadership of LWLM President, Dick Bronson, the group has monitored lake water quality; conducted lake clean-ups; collaborated with Auburn University, Alabama Power Company, and state agencies in conducting scientific studies* of the lake; and educated countless children and adults on watershed stewardship and how each stakeholder can make a difference in keeping the lake clean.

Since LWLM began water testing in mid-1993, AWW-certified LWLM volunteer monitors have submitted nearly 1,600 water quality records (water chemistry and bacteriological records) from 32 monitoring sites to AWW’s statewide water quality database**.

LWLM monitoring sites on the lake, the Tallapoosa River and tributary streams

Recognizing the high quality of Lake Martin’s waters, and that it is one of the cleanest lakes in the state, Dick began building a case for upgrading the lake’s official use classification. An upgrade to Outstanding Alabama Water (OAW), as was achieved for part of Wolf Bay by the Wolf Bay Watershed Watch group***, would establish stricter water quality standards for the lake, and ultimately provide stricter limits on the amount of pollutants allowed into the lake.

Armed with nearly two decades of dedicated watershed stewardship and 14 years of AWW-certified citizen water quality data, LWLM submitted a formal request to ADEM for OAW classification for the lake in 2006.  However, the request was not approved because the rules for the OAW classification simply didn’t fit a man-made reservoir like Lake Martin – they were written for natural bays and free-flowing rivers and streams.

Through collaboration with ADEM and the Governor’s Office, the idea of creating a new Use Classification for man-made reservoirs emerged. Dick got the call to attend a public ceremony at Children’s Harbor on the beautiful Kowaliga Arm of the lake on December 28th, 2010. Governor Riley made a special appearance to announce the new water Use Classification for the State of Alabama – Treasured Alabama Lake (TAL). This classification applies to any reservoir in Alabama that meets the criteria established for TAL, as Martin does. He also announced that Lake Martin would be the first lake in the state to earn TAL status. Details are still being developed for the official TAL classification, but as Governor Riley put it  “what does it (TAL) do ultimately…it says that no matter what happens over the next generation, the water here (in Lake Martin) will never be degraded from what it is today.”

Watch the video

Many thanks go to the leadership of Governor Riley, and Mr. Lance Lefleur, Director of ADEM, and particularly to the tireless efforts of LWLM volunteers and their tenacious leader, Dick Bronson – job well done!!

*See the following links for more information on LWLM collaboration with scientific studies: Tallapoosa Watershed Project, Alabama Power Lake Study, Sandy Creek Watershed Study)

**To access the AWW statewide online database, go to, and click WATER DATA).

***For more information on OAW classification for Wolf Bay see Outstanding Alabama Water (OAW)).

Share your watershed successes and inspire others

by: eric reutebuch

Being a part of Alabama Water Watch (AWW), whether you are a monitor, a member of the AWW Association (AWWA), you work in the AWW office, or all of the above, means being part of a community that is dedicated to the same goal: protecting and restoring water quality in Alabama.  As a community we should celebrate our successes, support each other in difficult situations, and learn from each others’ experiences.  In an effort to encourage this type of a community for AWW we would like to publicize more stories about the individuals and groups that make up AWW.  We want to show how monitors are using their data and how groups are working together with their communities to protect their water resources.

Thanks to the data collected by citizen volunteers throughout the state, AWW is making a real difference in Alabama’s water quality.  Many citizen volunteers monitor water quality at sites on streams, rivers, lakes, bays, or bayous faithfully every month for years. Some discover water quality problems, many do not.  Whether or not a monitor unearths a water quality “smoking gun”, all water data collected by AWW-certified monitors are valuable.  This is emphasized each time AWW staff analyze citizen and agency (ADEM, AU, USGS, etc. data in preparation for a “data interpretation” presentation for an AWW Group.  In these presentations, group efforts are highlighted, water quality data trends are summarized, watershed-level assessments are presented, and land-use relationships relative to water quality are examined.

Data interpretation at Pell City with the Logan Martin Lake Protection Association, February 2006

Methods of assessing water quality problems vary.  One way is to compare measurements to water quality standards set by EPA or by the state.  Another way is to compare measurements to the water quality of another “reference” site that is considered “relatively pristine” or unimpacted.  Thus it is valuable to have water quality measurements from waterbodies lying in the different geologic/soil regions of the state to provide reference water quality conditions for evaluating impacts.  Also, several incidents of leaks or spills (sewage leaks, release of chlorinated swimming pool water, etc.) have been “caught “by regular monthly monitoring by citizen volunteer monitors.

AWW monitoring sites (red dots)in the Geographic Regions of Alabama (click to enlarge)*

Monitors have used their data to bring about positive changes in their watersheds for many years.  Each “Success Story” is unique and offers many lessons for other water quality monitors.  By hearing these real life stories of taking data to action, it is hopeful that the water monitors throughout the state will be encouraged to strengthen monitoring efforts and be inspired to think creatively when faced with difficult water quality issues. AWW would like to highlight your group’s success stories and put them on our statewide “Map of Success”.  We would also like to share helpful tips that you may have for water monitoring and making a difference in your community with other AWW groups.  If you have a success story or helpful suggestion to share, you can contact the AWW office by phone or email.   (for contact info, CLICK HERE). These stories can be about your personal experience, that of your group or another monitor.

We are pleased to feature a recent AWW group, the Town of Magnolia Springs water watchers (TOMS), success story – a story of committed volunteer monitors working collaboratively with local officials to solve a water quality problem in the Magnolia River (to read more, CLICK HERE) – Go TOMS!

We look forward to hearing from you about your success story!

*Special THANKS to the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service’s Alabama Water Information System – Geo-Spatial (Geographic Information System) Data group for assistance in compilation of the state-wide map! To check out the tremendous GIS resource they have created, CLICK HERE.

Volunteer monitor success story: Magnolia Springs

by: eric reutebuch

To begin our “AWW Success Stories” series, let’s go down to Alabama’s beautiful coastal region and introduce you to the Town of Magnolia Springs (TOMS) monitoring group.   Local citizens began monitoring the Magnolia River around 1996, but significantly stepped up efforts in 2005, with one major goal: to get the Magnolia River upgraded to Outstanding Alabama Water (OAW) status.   TOMS realized that the Magnolia River was an exceptional waterbody, and they decided to do everything possible to make sure that it would stay this way for generations to follow.  Their pursuit of OAW status was a significant step in the right direction.

TOMS secures OAW status from ADEM for the Magnolia River

from left to right, Ken Underwood, Charlie Houser, Brett Gaar, Richard Odess (all TOMS water watchers); and ADEM officials, Stan Shirley (Environmental Engineer) and Lynn Sisk (Chief, Water Quality Division)

In Alabama there are eight classifications of water use.  Outstanding Alabama Water is the second highest of all the classifications, second only to the Outstanding National Resource Waters, and according to ADEM the “best usage of water assigned this classification are those activities consistent with the natural characteristics of the waters”.    In order for a body of water to receive this classification, it must exhibit a high quality.  The OAW status is rarely granted, and the characteristics that constitute a high quality are very specific and must be documented scientifically.  Clearly not all citizens of Magnolia Springs are scientists, but their certification in the AWW water quality monitoring program, which is approved by both ADEM and the EPA, made it was possible for locals to provide the data necessary to show that the Magnolia River was deserving of the OAW status.   According to TOMS monitor Rick Odess, the contribution from the AWW program that helped the most in this process was that “AWW provided the infrastructure and made it easy for TOMS to get their data to ADEM. AWW acts as a conduit between us and ADEM.”  Not only does OAW status draw deserved attention to the environmentally sound initiatives of Magnolia Springs, including regular water monitoring and strict water quality regulations put in place by the town, it also makes the regulations for potential polluters stricter (to learn more about the OAW  classification, CLICK HERE).

Click Here for more pics

Although the TOMS group began their testing efforts with the intention of achieving the OAW status, after becoming familiar with the benefits of regular citizen water monitoring, the group has chosen to continue monitoring. The events that have taken place during the past several months in Magnolia Springs have reaffirmed the importance of water monitoring for the community.   Monitors conduct regular AWW tests in the Magnolia River Watershed for chemistry parameters as well as bacteria, including E. coli.   In two years of testing for E. coli in the Magnolia River, the results never exceeded the safety limit set by ADEM for human contact, which is 600 E. coli per 100 mL of water.  However, in January 2010, while the community was beginning to celebrate the recent achievement of OAW status for the River, an AWW monitor near the headwaters of the Magnolia River found extremely high counts of E. coli at his regular testing site.   The community was not sure what to make of the result considering it was so out of the ordinary.

In March, the Mobile Register published a front page article detailing the problems experienced by a private sewer treatment company in Foley which has a lift station very close to the Magnolia River headwaters.  Heavy rains in January caused problems with the sewer system.  As a response, the company made the decision to discharge raw sewage into the stormwater retention pond of a nearby subdivision.  Community members complained of bad odors in the area which led to the investigation that uncovered the sewage problem.  Because of the proximity of the retention pond to the Magnolia River headwaters, and the heavy rains, it is likely that contaminated water flooded into the Magnolia River, and  that the high E. coli counts discovered by the AWW monitor were connected to this event.  The proactive community of Magnolia Springs did not hesitate to contact the necessary officials, including ADEM. As a result a “cease and desist” order was made by ADEM in March 2010. The sewer company was required to immediately stop all discharges into the retention pond and do a thorough sanitation of the pond to prevent further contamination of the area.

This event is a vivid reminder to the community of Magnolia Springs, and to other members of the AWW community, that the work of protecting water quality is never finished.   Although a stream or river has been historically healthy, it is important to continue monitoring because you never know when something could go wrong upstream. Long- term data makes it easier to determine when a problem began and what the likely cause is.   Thanks to proactive citizens, the environmental damage of this particular incidence was kept to a minimum. However, there is no guarantee that something similar will not happen again to Magnolia River, and it is likely that other rivers and streams throughout Alabama are being contaminated without detection.  In general, the people who care most about the water quality of a local water body are the people who live near it, play in it, and drink it.  When citizens are equipped with the knowledge and skills to monitor and understand water quality they have the ability to make positive changes.  It is good to be reminded of this fact and to believe in the power of collective action.  It is clear that the monitors in Magnolia Springs believe this and we can all learn a lot from their actions.

To hear more about Magnolia Springs and their efforts to protect the
Magnolia River, check out the interview with Magnolia Springs leaders near
the end of the updated Living Downstream Video (Click Here for the video).

Water watchers conduct bacteria blitz of local watersheds

by: eric reutebuch

Two volunteer groups have been ‘watching the waters’ of local streams in the Auburn-Opelika area for several years. Most of the two-city area falls in either the Saugahatchee Watershed or the Chewacla Watershed (see map below).

 Watersheds in the Auburn-Opelika area (click map to enlarge) include 1) Saugahatchee, 2) Chewacla, 3) Uphapee, 4) Halawakee and 5) Little Uchee. The first 3 are in the Tallapoosa River Basin, 4 and 5 are in the Chattahoochee River Basin.

 The two volunteer groups have been monitoring water chemistry and bacterial contamination (E. coli levels) at several stream sites for over a decade. Save Our Saugahatchee (SOS) formed in 1997 to address impacts to Saugahatchee Creek, and has measured water quality at 42 sites on the creek and its tributary streams (25 sites are currently monitored). Friends of Chewacla Creek and the Uphapee Watershed (CHEWUP) formed in 1998 to address impacts to Chewacla Creek, and has measured 26 sites on Choctafaula Creek and on Chewacla Creek and its tributary streams (24 sites are currently monitored). Trend graphs of these data can be viewed at the AWW website (go to and click AWW Data). Below is a graph of bacteria data monitored over the past seven years by SOS monitor Mary Burkhart at her site on Saugahatchee Creek in the Turtle Cove subdivision.

                              Click to explore SOS bacteria data

                      Click here to explore CHEWUP bacteria data

In 2006, interest in bacteria monitoring greatly increased after a few monitors reported high E. coli levels in a couple of streams in the watershed.  Several citizen monitors got trained and certified by AWW in bacteria monitoring. ‘Blitz’ monitoring across both Saugahatchee and Chewacla Creek watersheds began in January of 2007. During a ‘blitz’ ten to twelve volunteer monitors that have been certified by AWW in Bacteriological Monitoring test about 30 sites in Chewacla and Saugahatchee watersheds in and around Auburn-Opelika. After samples are poured onto petri dishes and incubated from 30-48 hours, E. coli are counted and the counts are linked back to their respective sample site locations.

Click here for more blitz pictures

 Results are communicated to local municipal officials and to Auburn University (AU) officials. High levels of E. coli have been found at multiple sites in both cities and on the AU campus. Municipal and campus officials have worked with local monitors to resolve the sources of bacterial contamination in a timely manner, preventing further environmental and human harm. Successfully resolved problems have included underground sewer leaks, clogged sewer pipes, and improperly connected sewer pipes. Results of the most recent blitz conducted in November 2010 are shown below.

                                     Click map to enlarge

The volunteer monitors found significant E. coli contamination at 10 sites. Highest E. coli levels were at Chewacla Creek at Nixon’s Farm above Lake Ogletree at CR 27 bridge (site #10; 900 E. coli per 100 mL of water), and at Parkerson Mill Creek at Thach Avenue near the rugby field (site #25; 1,233 E. coli per 100 mL of water). Citizen monitors continue to supply their data to local resource managers to collaborate in finding sources of contamination and resolving them so that we can all fully benefit from clean waters.

Thanks to the dedication of SOS and CHEWUP monitors, our local waters run a lot cleaner! A special thanks goes to the World Wildlife Fund for grant support of this volunteer monitor watershed stewardship effort – Thank You WWF!

Historic Bacteria Sampling Results

LWLM Volunteer monitors team up with AU on watershed study

by: eric reutebuch

In the spring of this year, Lake Watch of Lake Martin (LWLM) volunteer monitors met with Auburn University (AU) researchers to draft a study plan for the Sandy Creek Watershed. This watershed has been of particular concern as a source of pollution loading into Lake Martin. The Sandy Creek Watershed, about 193 square miles, is the largest of the 22 watersheds (eleven-digit hydrologic units) in the Middle Tallapoosa Basin. The Middle Tallapoosa Basin drains an area of 1,547 square miles from Lake Wedowee Dam downstream to Lake Martin Dam (see map below). It was ranked HIGH priority for 1) siltation and a source of lake turbidity, 2) nutrient enrichment, 3) pathogen contamination, and 4) illegal dumping in the Tallapoosa River Basin Management Plan (see It is also of high priority because, unlike many other streams in the basin, it drains directly into Lake Martin.

LWLM volunteers sampling Chattasofka at Hwy 280 Bridge

The group was aware of funding opportunities from the Middle Tallapoosa River Basin Clean Water Partnership (MTRBCWP), and submitted a proposal for the watershed study. The MTRBCWP funded the project, and field sampling was conducted monthly, June through September.

Eight sites were identified on seven tributaries of Sandy Creek, and one site was chosen directly downstream of the Dadeville waste water treatment plant on Chattasofka Creek. Watershed field work was divided in half with LWLM volunteer monitors sampling sites 1-4 and AU researchers sampling sites 5-8 (see map below, Sandy Creek Watershed is outlined in red). AU personnel trained the volunteers in sampling and field measurement techniques before starting the actual field sampling. During the first field outing, there was no access to the bridge crossing on Andrews Branch, which was in the heart of Chattasofka Hunting Club lands, so the site was swapped for a site on Chattasofka Creek at the Highway 280 Bridge. The water quality information collected at the Highway 280 site, along with data from the site on Chattasofka above the Andrews Branch confluence can provide insights on the water quality of Andrews Branch.

Click here for larger map

Parameters measured in the field included water temperature, dissolved oxygen and specific conductance. Water samples were collected for nutrient, sediment and E. coli analyses, which were conducted in the AWW water quality lab at AU.

Water quality results from the study are summarized below (see graphs).

  • All sites had adequate dissolved oxygen (above 5 ppm, the minimum level for aquatic life, mandated by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management)
  • Chattasofka Creek was high in nutrients (mean total nitrogen concentration > 1 ppm, mean total phosphorus concentration ~ 1 ppm)
  • North Fork of Sandy  Creek (downstream from Camp Hill) was highest in E. coli contamination (1 occurrence > 600/100mL, 2 occurrences > 200/100mL)
  • Of the three sites on Chattasofka Creek, the site below the Dadeville WWTP was the LOWEST in E. coli
  • Norrell Branch was very low in alkalinity and hardness (less than 10 ppm, on average), and generally more susceptible to pollution, particularly acidic runoff (typical from mining activities)
  •  All sites had relatively low sediment loads since none of the four sample dates captured a rainfall runoff event. During such an event, total suspended solids (TSS, a parameter that correlates well with stream suspended sediment loads) and nutrient concentrations would most likely be a lot higher.

 Click here for larger graphs

AU project personnel would like to thank the MTRBCWP for making this project possible through their grant program, and also thank the LWLM volunteer monitors who donated their time and talent in drafting and conducting the study. Ultimately, the concerns, awareness and involvement of local AWW volunteer water monitors was translated into a collaborative effort to gather valuable water resource information in the Sandy Creek Watershed. This information can be used to improve resource management practices and water quality for Sandy, and on downstream, for Lake Martin.

AU Forestry and AWW team up to assess streams

By: eric reutebuch

The AU Urban Ecology class (FORY 4970/7970), taught by Dr. Chris Anderson, met with Eric Reutebuch and Sergio Ruiz-Cordova in September to learn about Alabama Water Watch(AWW) and to examine two local streams using the AWW Stream Biomonitoring protocol. The class sampled Saugahatchee Creek (at Lee County Road 65 Bridge) first, then sampled Parkerson Mill Creek (at Sandhill Road).

Dr. Anderson collecting macroinvertebrates from Saugahatchee Creek with students
Dr. Anderson collecting macroinvertebrates from Saugahatchee Creek with students

Photos of stream sampling

Continue reading “AU Forestry and AWW team up to assess streams”

AWW co-sponsors rainwater harvest workshop

by: eric reutebuch

AWW joined with the City of Auburn, the Auburn University Water Resources Center, and Natures Tap in sponsoring an Introduction to Rainwater Harvesting Workshop (ARCSA 100-level course). Tia Gonzales, the leader of last year’s Community Rain Barrel Workshops (sponsored by the Saugahatchee Watershed Management Plan) organized the ARCSA workshop.

ARCSA 100-level course agenda

O-A News article on the workshop

ARCSA, the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1994 to promote rainwater catchment systems in the United States. ARCSA’s mission is to promote sustainable rainwater-harvesting practices to help solve potable, non-potable, stormwater and energy challenges throughout the world. ARCSA encourages all rainwater harvesting enthusiasts to learn about rainwater harvest and join the ARCSA organization (see for more information).

Pictures of Historical Society’s Rainwater Harvest System

 The 100-level workshop was held in Loachapoka, AL at the Lee County Historical Society. Thirty-two people participated, from as far away as Pennsylvania and Texas! Historical Society volunteers provided delicious snacks and beverages. Participants learned the basics of rainwater harvest from ARCSA instructor, Tim Pope, and were shown numerous systems, large and small, that have been installed around the country. Tim emphasized that rainwater harvest can be, and is for many, a viable sole-source of water for a household or a business, especially in Alabama where we get relatively abundant rainfall spread throughout the year (about 52 inches annually, on average).

Some valuable rainwater harvest tidbits that I learned at the workshop are:

  • One square foot of rooftop yields 0.6 gallons of water from a 1” rain,
  • A 2000 square foot home can harvest about 63,156 gallons of rainwater per year from the roof,
  • Black rain tanks are best because they don’t allow light inside and therefore prevent algae growth inside the tank,
  • If one desires to use rainwater for potable use, there are several ways to sterilize the water, including chlorination, ultraviolet light treatment, ozone treatment and reverse osmosis. Some are more effective than others.

It is encouraging to see an increasing number of rainwater harvest systems in the Auburn/Opelika area. Go take a look at some of these examples and be inspired:

SWaMP helps with 3 Rs of Cary Woods Elementary Environmental Ed Project

Rooftop rain catchment tour

Alternative sources of water plus pollution reduction – A Win-Win!

SWaMP supports Rain Catchers